A homeschooling mother of three and her crazy life

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm Really Nervous About Fixing My Legs

I could blame it on my mother's genes, my three children, or my age, but whatever the cause I have unsightly spider veins in my legs (I think they might even use "unsightly" in the laser treatment brochures just in case you aren't sure if they are an attribute.)

My first real treatment is scheduled for tomorrow, and I'm increasingly nervous about it. Here's why... it HURTS! I had my test patch treatment last week. That's where they test a tiny area to make sure you can go ahead with a larger area later w/o blowing your leg up or something. I thought there would be some "discomfort" during the procedure then done deal. Well, here's the deal...it is painful while it's going on and it continues to hurt for days after...that's DAYS after. And this (currently) is a very small area. It doesn't hurt constantly for days after. It hurts constantly for 30 minutes after treatment then it just flares up every 1.5 hours or so and then the flare-ups diminish. It was 5 days ago and it still feels like a tender bruise.

Well, anyway, this is what I've signed myself up for...pain, wearing nasty support hose for 5 days afterward, and the promise that it takes at least 3-5 of these treatments, not just one, to get the job done. There are some other things I have to avoid for 5 days, like hot showers, alcohol, aspirin and such, but I'm mostly stuck on the nasty support hose and the pain. I really don't do well w/ that.

Right now I'm trying to decide how I'm going to put up w/ 15 minutes of this. Previously, I thought I would read a book. I even asked the technician if that's what people did and she said, "They might. Most people just squeeze these" (little stress relief spongy ball things you squeeze to keep from screaming your lungs out, I guess). I think the book-reading is out. Now I'm trying to decide between music combined w/ squeezy-thing or a combo of music, squeezy thing, Lamaze breathing (though it's done me no good in the past) and a left-over Valium from some dental work.

I gave birth to two of my three children w/o benefit of pain meds, but that was not by choice and I couldn't say that it was a positive experience. I keep telling myself that those experiences alone should make this pale in comparison, but here's the truth... There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop childbirth once it's time. My leg stuff is completely optional. I could wear long pants in 105 degree summers. I could let my freak-flags fly. But I don't really want to. All I have to do is keep myself glued to the chair and not run out the door screaming when she comes at me w/ the big sunglasses and laser blaster.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to need the Valium.

1 comment:

Matt Meyer said...

You can do it. I know you can. But be sure and take the valium. Just in case.